Monday, August 17, 2015

Hippie Concerns

When I signed back on to blogger today there was some kind of notice about
European law requires and European Union blah blah I don't know I did not read it.
Maybe I will be Euro-arrested
Good thing I will never be able to afford to travel to Europe anyway.

So here's the update.
I haven't been writing a lot because there hasn't been a heck of a lot going on out here. If you follow me on Facebook do you remember where I recollected my dream of being stuck on a space station for an indeterminate amount of time? Well that is what Micanopy is like; quiet, standstill, isolation. Floating in an unchanging pocket of time where nothing happens and no one is around. (Apart from my best buddy/baby daddy and favorite cat pals)  No friends out here, no family and everyone lives juuust far enough where there has to be a definite plan to do something before the gas usage is justified. Sorry I love you, but sitting around and staring at a TV screen at someone's house is not worth $20 of gasoline. Let's make a plan to go on a hike, now you're talking.

While time passes slowly and uneventfully out here it so happens that this is perfect for pregnancy and transitioning to motherhood. (This statement justified by my midwife.) Today was our last monthly check-up. I told her today that I knew the third trimester was on the horizon because suddenly, just last week or so, I have begun to feel extremely tired relatively quickly. She congratulated me on being observant of the changing in my energy levels and told me I'm doing great to listen to my body and slow down without swamping myself with guilt over perceived stagnation. She said a lot of women have trouble slowing down and detaching themselves from their schedules of school or work or whatever, but once the baby comes you will be forced to into a sort of stagnation so it's good to get used to it and fall into a natural rhythm. This really made me happy as I had felt like poop about failing to /hatefultone "better my life" or  whatever /end hatefultone before Dixie got here. I felt bad that I was not doing anything "productive" but as Joshua put it growing a whole person inside of you is pretty productive. Besides, Dixie's birth is not a due-date for having our lives in perfect order. I have the rest of my life to figure out how to dupe people into relinquishing their tiny green paper rectangles unto me and my family.

One awesome thing did happen. Joshua will be starting next week as a plumber's apprentice and while he will be getting real technical training, he will also be paid about $200 more weekly than the shit restaurant did. He is so excited! He has bought himself a plumbing guide and has been studying like crazy. We have been assured by the plumbing boss man that despite common belief, you do not get constantly covered in shit all day. So yes, we are really excited to have some real income! Although I am still taking a few classes, I'm undecided on my major now but Joshua has voiced his want for me to be a stay at home mom (don't sweat your tits my classes are online)  which I could not be happier with hearing (because I was hoping this would be ok as I have yet to find a job where I don't lose my temper or feel my soul beg for sweet release into the endless abyss of nothingness rather than listen to customers).  My favorite thing to do is keep the house in order and what could be better then staying with your child? Currently there is a lot of shit-tier feminists who bash stay at home moms, and there is great pressure for every woman to get out there and go to school and get a career-based life. This is all fine and dandy, but who is raising the kids if it's frowned upon now for women to stay home with them?  Total strangers? Joshua and I believe this new pressure for women to immerse themselves in the almighty dollar game and leave their homes and children is a conspiracy to effectively raise thoughtless obedient children.....who grow up to be thoughtless obedient citizens. We are told it is empowering to discard "traditional gender roles" but really what is more empowering than being the queen of your realm?

Anyhow enough conspiracy talk, I will reveal plenty of our family ideals (like sitting on toilets vs. squatting to poop) in the future and you can argue them as they are presented. As all young mothers I will undoubtedly have opposition in my views on rearing babies, but I will also have support from all other paranoid, anti-establishment, semi-neo-hippie moms.

Anyway, the birthing center is great and unlike my visits at the hospital, I leave there feeling strong, confident, and happy. My midwife felt around on my stomach, measured my stomach, drew some blood, and we listened to Dixie's heartbeat. She then went on to assure me that everything was going perfect. My weight gain, perfect, Dixie's size and heartbeat, perfect, my recognition of easy exhaustion, perfect, and our due date incredibly convenient. Dixie will be born in late November so I can be nice and chilly when my stomach is as big as a beach ball. Our midwife dispelled another fear of mine as well.

As you know Josh and I have moved from a two bedroom apartment to a single room in his father's house. While we aren't ones to hoard possessions there is a serious lack of space in our bedroom and I was dreading figuring out a place to put a big ass crib. I read contrasting information  on whether or not a baby could just sleep in a bassinet our midwife assured us that this is totally cool and even encouraged since she can be right next to us without being in the bed. She went on to say that by them time Dixie outgrows the bassinet she will be sturdy and safe enough to sleep with us in the bed. This is awesome information as we were filling out the registry I was getting worried over what I actually needed any what Toys R Us was trying to trick us into thinking we need. I'm sure in the future we will have to get one but it can wait until we move somewhere where there is a little more space. Why does a newborn need a while giant bed anyway? In Finland babies sleep in boxes you know. The two biggest and most expensive things people tell you you will need is a crib and a changing table. Oddly enough you need neither. The changing table will save your back, but a bassinet (or any safe appropriate surface) with a wide changing pad is every bit as good, if not better because the pad is portable!

In conclusion, the birthing center has really been my kind of place with focus on all the hippie concerns I have. So thank you for existing Birth and Wellness Center, I will see you in the third trimester!