Friday, June 26, 2015


For the last few days both good and bad luck have befallen our family. We have the option to live somewhere rent free which will save us a considerable amount of money, but that means we have to pack everything up and move again during this pregnancy. This place we are moving to is out in Micanopy, which is great because I hate Gainesville like Westboro Baptist hates sanity. Currently, he is in physical rehab after a surgery and he has given us the O.K. to clear out a room and move things around how we need. The problem is I'm a little anxious about moving around (and throwing away) stuff belonging to someone who is not present so I don't have the option of asking "do you need this pile of plywood? Or this faded print of some ducks? What about this inner tube cover?" Nerve wracking decisions to be made. Anyway, living here will give us a chance to save up money and get our own house out here, but in return we are going to be pseudo nurses as he recovers from a hip surgery.

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this right now. I used to really like this Crass song "Big A Little a." The song is essentially a reminder that you are in control of your own life and you are able to change whatever situation you find yourself in. Lately I believe that's not entirely true. Sometimes you just have roll with circumstance and do something excruciating right now to make tomorrow a little easier. (If only I had thought of that out of high school and went to college instead of party, travel, and bum around! LOL I COULD BE DONE BY NOW!) I want to do like all preg. women and paint and set up a cute baby room, buy some stuffed animals it won't be able to use for a few years and put up wooden letters that spell out it's name in case it forgets, you know normal mom things. Instead I am moving a stockpile and taking apart a home gym while sweeping bug carcasses and cobwebs from what will be our room. I'm not thrilled about this but the money says we don't have a choice and I figure I will do as I do best and just deal with it. Even when we told the landlady that we had to break lease she wasn't upset, not only because she is an angel, but because she said she knew that we couldn't afford to stay there. Well goodbye Duckpond, it was nice pretending to be rich!

More on the positive side of things, we have already cleared out what will be our room and we don't have too much stuff to bring over. Also Bruce has a really nice marmalade cat named Walter and our small tuxedo cat, Memphis, gets along with him famously. We actually got our big cat, Djinn, after moving out of Bruce's house and watching Memphis cry room to room searching for Walter. We thought a cat pal would put him in a better mood, but the thing with cats is no two are alike and instead of bringing home a new buddy, we brought home a big fat bully. So at least Memphis will be happy to be reunited with his bestbud and Djinn will now have 2 little nerds to pick on.
Bruce likes a lot of the same things we do. He has a decent sized garden in the backyard with tomatoes, squash, peppers, and green beans. It will be a lot of fun to help care for it and plant some things of my own. The yard itself, though littered with rotting tarps and rusted junk, is pretty spacious and after some work it will be nice to have an outside space to enjoy. At our apartment we are welcome to use the landlady's yard but she has three dogs, one of which is a vicious mongrel that snarls and barks like it's waiting to bite me in the ass. This dog is ironically named "Sugar," I think "Cayenne" would be more appropriate, maybe "Cumin" cause I hate it.

Bruce also likes to dabble in oil painting, something I have just started last half semester at Santa Fe. Maybe he can teach me some techniques and let me use a few of his supplies? This house is also better suited to creative-type mess-making. I haven't been painting too much in the apt. for fear of ruining everything.

Everything will be O.K.!
Stay tuned.

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